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Dear AuntTea,

Am I wrong for not wanting to take my kids to see their Gran because she doesn't let them play in her house and makes them sit down while they play? My husband says she's always been that way and that the Kids should just relax when we go over. I have been making up excuses to not go.


Child listen,

Gran not wanting children running through her house is not a debate you should spark

Teach your children the difference between playing inside and playing at the park.

Gran doesn't want anyone messing up her house,

including you, your children, and your spouse.

It's not really that hard to understand

and not an unrealistic demand

You can make a fuss and make it bigger than it needs to be

but it could be counteractive to you and your husband living peacefully.










Dear AuntTea, 

My husband told me this was the last time he would cheat. Should I believe him?


Child listen,

He said it the last time

And the time before

You still left the light on

And a crack in the door

For deceit to creep in

And you ask if you should do it again

A real friend would tell you,

People only do what they can.

Don’t be that chick who takes crap

Just to be able to say, “My Man.”

 Child listen,

Trust is hard to build and easy to break

How much more are you willing to take?

Dear AuntTea,
I work from home as a pharmacy rep, and my boss terminated me because she accused me of watching my children during work hours when I should be working. My first priority should be my child. My boss is angry and dried up, and am I wrong?


Child Listen,
Women have been having children since the dawn of time
and Lord knows I love all mine.
But unless your baby can pay the bills,
your priority should be providing shelter, clothes, and warm meals.
That means you should be more concerned about getting a job
than writing a sob story amounting to your boss thinking you could work and follow protocol...and you being hired...which ironically
was the same reason you were fired.
Working at home does not mean you don't have to pay for childcare
Unless you work at a daycare center and they let you take your child there.












Dear AuntTea,

Why does my mother-in-law always criticize me for my house  being unclean?  


Child Listen,

There a difference between untidy and unclean.

Untidy means you need to pick up.

Unclean means you need to clean up

You can tell alot about a person by their refrigerator.

It's not the type of cleaning you leave for later.

If the bathroom is filthy for eyes that can see,

how clean can the tub you bathe the babies in be?






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